Above Ground Storage Tank Upgrades 2013
In June of 2012, the state of California put forth the latest executive order with regard to above ground fuel storage tanks and vapor recovery. By now you may have received a fine or warning from the Air Pollution Control District (APCD) if your tank is not compliant with this order. We would like to offer our services to bring your tank to compliance, and prevent any further mishaps with APCD
California Air Resources Board (CARB) has seen fit to make a change to all above ground fuel tanks that contain gasoline. We hope the following information will help you understand the requirements better and decide when you need to upgrade to the new standards. You may have received notices from San Diego APCD about this (click here to see the letter). It is our hope to simplify the regulation as much as possible and to assist you in complying with the regulation.
What are the changes?
- Each above ground gasoline fuel tank of 250 gallons or more, single walled or double walled, retail or non-retail, regardless of throughput, must have or be painted with a CARB certified epoxy type paint to comply with the latest “standing loss” requirements no later than April 1, 2013.
- Each above ground gasoline fuel tank, described above, must have a Pressure/Vacuum Vent Valve approved by CARB. There is only one, the Husky 5885 P/V Vent Valve. These P/V vent valves must be installed no later than April 1, 2013.
- Technically, the above two items fall under CARB EO 301-D.
- San Diego APCD requires that ALL tanks that fall under the above conditions be permitted through San Diego APCD.
- San Diego APCD also requires that ALL tanks that currently have APCD permits under anything other than CARB EO 301-D, be re-permitted. (This includes most all gasoline above ground tanks that are currently permitted.)
- Phase I, the vapor recovery connection between the tank and the fuel truck, must be on ALL above ground gasoline tanks (retail = 260 gallons or more, non-retail = 550 gallons or more) no later than July 1, 2014.
Bottom Line: All above ground gasoline tanks must be re-permitted, have CARB approved paint, and a Husky 5885 P/V vent valve. Phase I is due no later than July 1, 2014. San Diego APCD is out-in-force to fine any tank owner who is not in compliance. We stand ready to handle it all; from permit, to painting, to equipment, and testing. Give us a call and relieve the stress of it all!
Terms and Acronyms:
CARB (California Air Resources Board) / APCD (Air Pollution Control District) / P/V (Pressure/Vacuum) / EO (Executive Order from CARB) / Standing Loss = the action of the gasoline vapors escaping from the tank through temperature increase from the atmosphere and loss through venting. / Phase I = vapor connection between the tank and fuel truck filling the tank. / Phase II = fuel nozzle and hose(s) which transfers the fuel into the vehicle and fuel vapors back to the fuel tank.