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LPL San Diego Tower

Jauregui & Culver, Inc. procured permits for and installed a 4,000 gallon Above-ground Storage Tank (AST) for diesel and double wall steel fuel piping.  We furnished and installed AST remote fill assembly, fuel filtration unit, fuel management control panel, Duplex pump system, and tank monitoring system, including all low voltage electrical wiring and conduit.



Jet Air Tank Removal

Jauregui & Culver, Inc. removed two single wall 12,000 gallon tanks enclosed in a concrete vault.  Demolition and environmental remediation were provided.







Scripps Memorial Hospital Tank Installation

Watch as our team flawlessly installs this UST at Scripps Memorial Hospital.


Pala Mini Mart Re-Pipe

Jauregui & Culver, Inc. replaced the fuel piping for the Pala Mini-Mart.  We phased the work so that at least one row of dispensers was operational during construction.  We purged the fuel in the existing below ground piping back into the underground storage tanks (USTs) with pressurized nitrogen.  The existing piping was abandoned in place after the fuel was removed.

We sawcut and removed the existing concrete and asphalt surfaces between the USTs and the dispensers as needed for the installation of the double wall fiber glass piping.  We dug pipe trenches and gravel bedding materials required by the pipe manufacturer and to meet industry standards.

We performed pressure tests to all the new piping per industry standards.  We purged the fuel into the new piping system and tested for proper operation, calibrated the dispensers, and replaced all dispenser fuel filters.



Fallbrook Village Aviation UST Removal

Two unknown tanks were discovered during development of this property. Jauregui & Culver removed two single-wall steel underground storage tanks approximated at 4,000 gallons each.

We furnished the San Diego Country Department of Environmental Health (DEH) and Fallbrook Fire Department UST Removal permits, including permit fees, permit application preparation, submission, and pick up.  A one time California State EPA number was obtained as required for manifesting and disposal purposes. We washed the UST’s and degas as required by agency guidelines.

The UST’s and all wash stream was manifested and lawfully disposed of. Soil samples were taken and analyzed. Jauregui & Culver, Inc. will back-fill with material equal to the volume of the removed UST’s and back-fill the tank hole to subgrade.




University of San Diego Tank Removal





Jauregui & Culver, Inc. removed a 10,000 gallon underground storage tank from beneath one of the campus roadways.  We furnished permits, testing, and environmental remediation.  Additionally, the soil around the tank was found to be contaminated.  Jauregui & Culver removed and disposed of the contaminated soil overburden in accordance to the county’s regulations.



CarMax Oxnard

Jauregui & Culver, Inc. provided submittals and drawings of the proposed fuel system necessary for CUPA, Fire Department, and Air Quality agency permitting.  We furnished and installed a complete gasoline fuel system that included one 4,000 double wall fiber glass underground storage tank, fuel dispenser, below ground fueling, vapor return and tank vent piping, under dispenser containment, vent transition containment, an enhanced vapor recovery system, and a vapor root monitoring system.  This required excavation, disposal of excavated soil, gravel back-fill materials meeting manufacturer specifications, crane, and back-filling operations. The new dispenser was calibrated and brought to compliance and Enhance Leak Detection was provided.



Carmax Escondido

Jauregui & Culver, Inc. installed a complete fuel system which included permits for San Diego County Environmental Health (DEH), San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) and City of Escondido fire department. a 4,000 gallon double wall fiber glass tank, fuel dispenser, and piping for the below-ground fuel, vapor return, and tank vent. Recovery (EVR) system and a Veeder Root monitoring system were also installed.  Calibration for the new dispenser, and regulatory compliance Enhance Leak Detection (ELD) testing were also provided.




Rancho Cucamonga

Jauregui & Culver, Inc. removed four underground storage tanks and installed three above ground storage tanks below the existing canopy.  Fuel piping, start up, permits, and environmental remediation were also provided.




Port of Long Beach

Jauregui & Culver, Inc. installed an above ground storage tank system, above ground gasoline storage tank system, diesel dispensing system, gasoline dispensing system, and petroleum monitoring system.  We provided SCAQMD and fire department permits and approvals required for fueling systems, all required testing, start up and training.   Rigging and hoisting were performed as required.  Updates will be added as the work continues!